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Product Price Change – Check the Details!


We would like to inform you that the prices of our products will change as of September 15, 2024. We encourage you to contact our sales department for detailed information.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Comprehensive price lists now available


We are delighted to announce the introduction of new price lists, carefully tailored to meet the needs of our business partners. The new price lists include detailed information about the furniture from our collections, as well as recommended products such as washbasins, mirrors, faucets, and other bathroom accessories.

Our recommendations on combining furniture from our collections with the appropriate accessories make the selection process simpler and more intuitive. Business partners no longer need to wonder which elements best complement each other – we've done it for them.

The new price lists have been designed to make it as easy as possible for our business partners to incorporate our products into their offerings. With clear and precise information, you can quickly and easily find what you need and get inspired to create attractive offers.

We invite you to explore our new price lists and discover how effortlessly you can enhance your offerings with our products. Thank you for your trust, and we are excited to continue creating beautiful interiors together.

Forbes Awards Us Again with a Diamond!


Forbes nagrodził nas ponownie diamentem!

Z radością informujemy, że nasza firma Comad została wyróżniona prestiżowym tytułem Diamentu Forbesa 2024.
Diamenty Forbesa to coroczny ranking, który honoruje przedsiębiorstwa, które w ciągu ostatnich trzech lat najskuteczniej zwiększały swoją wartość, stanowiąc potwierdzenie siły finansowej, stabilności oraz sukcesu biznesowego.

Wyniki rankingu Diamentów Forbesa 2024 zostały opracowane na podstawie szwajcarskiej metody wyceny wartości firmy, a w zestawieniu znalazły się tylko te firmy, które osiągnęły największy przeciętny, roczny wzrost wartości – na poziomie 15% i więcej. To wyróżnienie jest dowodem na dynamiczny rozwój oraz wysoką jakość naszych produktów i usług.

Dziękujemy naszym pracownikom za ich zaangażowanie i profesjonalizm, które są fundamentem naszego sukcesu. Wyrazy wdzięczności kierujemy również do naszych klientów i partnerów biznesowych za ich nieustanne wsparcie i zaufanie. To dzięki Wam możemy tworzyć innowacyjne projekty i osiągać kolejne sukcesy.

Razem tworzymy przyszłość pełną możliwości, a wyróżnienie Diamentem Forbesa 2024 jest dla nas motywacją do dalszego rozwoju i doskonalenia.

We protect our design!


We protect our design!

We are pleased to announce that our company has received an industrial design registration certificate. This distinction is proof of our innovation and commitment to creating unique, high-quality bathroom furniture.

We are proud that our projects have gained recognition and legal protection. This achievement motivates us to further improve and introduce additional unique products to the market that meet the expectations of our customers.

We would like to thank all our partners for their support and trust.

A Wonderful Event - The Corporate Relay Race!


A Wonderful Event - The Corporate Relay Race!

We are thrilled to share that our company participated in the NCDC By Sapiens Business Race – the first corporate relay race in the region!

Two teams, each consisting of eight amazing individuals, covered a total of 32 km, with each person running a distance of 4 km. This extraordinary event brought together employees and business owners, creating an incredible atmosphere full of energy and joy. The start and finish lines were located at Jasne Błonia in Szczecin, and the route led through the charming paths of Kasprowicz Park. The scenery was beautiful, and the weather was perfect, making the run even more enjoyable. Our focus wasn't on the time, but rather on having fun and team integration. It was a fantastic opportunity to get to know each other better, enjoy physical activity together, and strengthen our bonds.

We extend our gratitude to NCDC By Sapiens Business Race for organizing the event so well and to all participants for the unforgettable moments. We can’t wait for the next edition!

See You on the route!

@@koszty transportu@@


Szanowni Klienci, Z powodu wewnętrznego błędu naszego systemu B2B koszty transportu dla zestawów mogą się błędnie naliczać. Koszty transportu widoczne w trakcie składania zamówienia mogą ulec zmianie. Prawidłowy koszt transportu w przypadku zestawów to – 120zł netto ( półpaleta ) lub 185zł netto ( paleta ) W przypadku pytań lub wątpliwości w tej kwestii zachęcamy do kontaktu telefonicznego z naszym Działem Obsługi Klienta lub pod adresem e-mail: Przepraszamy za wszelkie niedogodności, jakie mogą wyniknąć z tego błędu. Zapewniamy Was, że pracujemy nad szybkim rozwiązaniem tego problemu.

new location - new opportunities


Dear customers,


Due to the dynamic development of our company, we have recently managed to take many significant steps, which in the near future will result in more efficient prosperity of the entire company.

At the beginning of 2023, we changed the system, which gave us a lot of new opportunities to improve our work, a new B2B portal was also created, which we refine every day.

It was a very intense and busy time, in which the whole team worked with increased intensity.

We are currently in the process of another major change - changing the location of the warehouse and office.

The previous warehouse area was 3,000 m2, currently we will have 7,100 m2 of warehouse space and 400 m2 of office space at our disposal,

thanks to which we can optimize our warehouse stock and increase human resources.

We hope that our efforts in the near future will contribute to even greater development of our cooperation.

Comad's domain is the belief that success is created by people, which is why we value strong and long-term business relationships,

the changes we implement will help us be flexible and open to the expectations of our customers.

Thank you for being with us, we wish you every success.

International furniture fair Meble Polska 2023


The Meble Polska 2023 Fair in Poznań was another successful event in which we had the pleasure to participate. As every year, we made every effort to make our stand unique, which is why we decided to present novelties among bathroom furniture designs, mirrors, LED lighting and countertop washbasins, which enjoyed great interest. Thank you very much for the meeting, positive feedback and nice conversations.

New Mirror Hestia


New, original mirror with LED light available now, chech out our offer! 

New Collection Santa Fe


Another edition of the Santa Fe collection, this time in a beautiful, fashionable and modern Taupe color, is now available for sale. It impresses with its lightness, fits into any style of bathroom interior, it is timeless. Additional drawers, hidden inside the vanity units and the post, are a very practical solution that gives us additional space for development.

The collection consists of cabinets for countertop washbasins in sizes 60 cm and 80 cm, a high post, mirror cabinets also in two sizes, 60 cm and 80 cm, two upper and lower shelves with a width of 20 cm and tabletops to choose from in various sizes, thanks to why we have the ability to create various sets, tailored to the individual needs of the client.

The advantage of this collection is also a very practical, electric socket located in a mirror cabinet, which will allow you to conveniently charge an electric toothbrush or other equipment used in the bathroom.

* individual clients are invited to check the offer of our contractors.

*IMPORTANT! The entire Santa Fe collection (Oak, Deep Blue, Taupe) is dedicated only to countertop washbasins, it is necessary to select the appropriate countertop when buying.