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new location - new opportunities

Dear customers,


Due to the dynamic development of our company, we have recently managed to take many significant steps, which in the near future will result in more efficient prosperity of the entire company.

At the beginning of 2023, we changed the system, which gave us a lot of new opportunities to improve our work, a new B2B portal was also created, which we refine every day.

It was a very intense and busy time, in which the whole team worked with increased intensity.

We are currently in the process of another major change - changing the location of the warehouse and office.

The previous warehouse area was 3,000 m2, currently we will have 7,100 m2 of warehouse space and 400 m2 of office space at our disposal,

thanks to which we can optimize our warehouse stock and increase human resources.

We hope that our efforts in the near future will contribute to even greater development of our cooperation.

Comad's domain is the belief that success is created by people, which is why we value strong and long-term business relationships,

the changes we implement will help us be flexible and open to the expectations of our customers.

Thank you for being with us, we wish you every success.